Salvation has opened a great door of grace for you in the kingdom of God. Jesus said that now there is a need to receive the power of the Holy Spirit. (Luke 24:49) This is available to any believer (Acts 2:37-38; 19:2; Mark 16:17) and the evidence of your receiving will be the ability to speak in tongues. (Acts 2:4)
Why Seek This Gift?
There are many reasons for you to receive this powerful spiritual tool.
1. Speaking in tongues fulfills prophecy. (Isaiah 28:11-12; Joel 2:28; 1 Corinthians 14:21) 2. All the major New Testament figures received this gift. (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:6; 1 Corinthians 14:18) If they needed it, so do you! 3. It gives spiritual power. (Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 14:4) 4. Tongues help in prayer. (1 Corinthians 14:2; Romans 8:26-27; Jude 1:20) 5. The Holy Spirit aids in worship. (John 4:24; Ephesians 5:19) 6. The Spirit gives comfort and instruction through speaking in tongues. (Luke 12:12; Acts 9:31)
There is much confusion about the Baptism of the Spirit today. There are those who claim it has passed away and some who even say that it is from the devil. Yet, the truth is that this idea has no backing in scripture. The Bible clearly states that the Holy Spirit will be available as long as God is calling people to salvation. (Acts 2:38-39)
We are seeing a great outpouring of the Spirit in our day. At the turn of the twentieth century there were no known Pentecostals, yet today they number in the tens of millions, with one in four Christians claiming to be Pentecostal or Charismatic in the United States alone. The Christian scene is dominated by those who are receptive to, or who practice the full gospel message. While the greatest thrust in the history of world missions is taking place right now, it is fueled by those who speak in tongues. This is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. (Acts 2:17)
You, too, need this gift in your life.
How To Receive:
Just like salvation, this gift of God is received by faith. There is no danger of a real Christian receiving a demonic counterfeit since Jesus himself promised to protect us. (Luke 11:11-13)
A person can receive the Holy Spirit anywhere, but if often helps to have those who have already received the baptism lay hands on you. (Acts 8:17) Their faith and yours merge to release the gift in you. This is usually easiest at the end of a church service when the presence of the Spirit is strong after the preaching of the word.
Confess your sins to God and then ask His Spirit to come in. For some people, this can be a very emotional experience. For others, it is very real but not overpowering. God will not force you to speak in other tongues. The new language will be given to you, but you must give voice to the words, just as you do in speaking English. These words may seem strange to you, or you may be afraid that others will laugh, but speak them out boldly. At first, the words may be few and stammering, but as you use this gift, you will find an increasing fluency. The proof of its validity will be seen as you build your spiritual nature through use of this gift in prayer and worship.
The baptism is not a one-time experience. When God gives the gift, it is yours. You will find that you can speak in this spiritual language at will, just as you do in English. The more you use this gift, the stronger you will find yourself in the battle against sin and Satan. (Jude 20)
Don't be frustrated if you don't receive the first time you pray. Fear, doubt, or un-yielded sin can block us from receiving from God. Seek again and remove whatever God speaks to you about what may be hindering you.