![]() If you feel stirred to give to this ministry reaching the world for Jesus Christ, we would like to make it easy for you to make a love offering which we will apportion for one of the following purposes:
We know that it is not always easy to give, in fact, most of the time it is a sacrifice. We also know, however, embedded in every genuine gift to God is a seed that will spring forth into blessing; that our treasure which is deposited in a bank account can be spent, stolen or depreciate in time. In giving to God, the difference is, no moth, rust or thief can have their way with it. Every gift given is secured in heaven and is holy unto God. Maybe you want to do more for the Kingdom of God or possibly you have yet to fulfill a commitment. We encourage you to channel your resources into a realm where the miraculous can be involved in your personal affairs and finances. We do not subscribe to a prosperity religion, but we are confident that our God is able to meet every need according to His riches in glory. Give and it shall be given unto you. These are promises God makes to you in His word as you give. We will care take of that gift and carefully place it to use for winning souls. |
The tithe is a tenth of our income that we give to the work of the Lord. The first mention of the tithe is in Genesis 14:18-20 where Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek the priest. The Law of Moses establishes the giving of the tithe in Leviticus 27:30-32.
In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus mentions the tithe as something that we should continue along with the other important duties of the law such as justice, mercy and faithfulness (Matthew 23:23). The Apostle Paul further mentions that our attitude towards giving should be cheerful and generous (2 Corinthians 9:6-13). With the tithes and offerings, the church is able to be God's hands extended to our community. |
The Door Christian Church
1837 N. Mason Rd. Katy, TX 77449 |